Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Post #15: Clowns, Circuses and the General Assembly

"Look around you. We are the winners! We are the best our communities have to offer!"
-The late John Graham Altman (R-Charleston)

Yesterday, I ventured over to "Importantville" (aka The Statehouse) to catch up with a former colleague. Not because I wanted to be there, but because something about holding the title of "Representative" blocks one from returning phone calls, and I had to talk (not the people's) business.

I only work a block and half away from the place, so I walked over just before noon. As a former member, I still retain floor privileges in both the House and Senate. Since the House had not yet convened, I ventured over to the Senate to see some old friends: McGill, Peeler, O'Dell, Coleman, Cromer, Sheheen and Larry Martin. These guys "get it." They know what their job is, and they do it. The Senate really is the firewall that protects South Carolina from what happens in the House.

Speaking of the House, at about 12:15, I ventured over to the House floor. Of course, being a quarter past noon, the House had not yet convened... they run about 15-30 minutes behind on a fairly regular basis (unless food, drink or fundraisers are involved). Anyway, as I stood at the back of the Chamber talking to the Sergeant and my good friend, Rep. Derham Cole, I couldn't help but think of the quote at the top of this page that Rep. Altman would use sarcastically. These are the best that communities could offer up. These people, the General Assembly, is a collective representation of the Palmetto State. Sure, it may be true, but I refuse to believe that.

House Chamber
As the members filed in one by one, it was as though I was watching the opening act in the Ringling Bros. "Big Tent." You had the one-eyed man, the bearded lady, the fire-eater... the list goes on.

Now, before you say it, allow me: Yes, I know I was once a member of that clown car, but I learned quickly that I did not need to be there, so I left. As I told one reporter upon leaving the Legislature:
 "They're losing their juggler, but the show will go on!"

Leadership is a privilege to better the lives of others. It is not an opportunity to satisfy personal greed.


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